Urban beekeeping: the latest big environmental movement
City-dwellers have found a new eco-friendly way to reconnect with nature
A rooftop beehive in north London Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
都市養蜂於屋頂上,照片攝於倫敦北方城鎮,由攝影師Dan Kitwood拍攝。
There are beehives all over our cities, on office rooftops, in parks and allotments, and in school grounds and urban backyards.
Some of our most famous landmarks host hives; Buckingham Palace, Tate Modern and Fortnum & Mason.
甚至倫敦許多有名的景點,如白金漢宮、泰德現代美術館,及Fortnum & Mason百年茶店,都可見證都市養蜂新趨勢的誕生。
In just three years, membership of the British Beekeeping Association has doubled to 20,000,
as young, urban dwellers transform a rather staid pastime into a vibrant environmental movement.
Camilla Goddard, 38, epitomises the new beekeeper.
Metropolitan and eco-conscious, she keeps bees on her allotment, in a university campus and on the roof of a cosmetics company in Covent Garden, central London , seeing it as a small contribution to saving the planet.
今年38歲的Camilla Goddard,充分代表了都市新趨勢下的養蜂人。
“By keeping just one hive you are immediately introducing 50,000 pollinators into an urban area and that can have a huge impact on the environment.
I like the idea of doing something as an unfettered individual when most of the time we can’t seem to affect any of the sad things that are happening to the earth,” she says.
Camilla Goddard說道:「僅放置一個蜂箱,就可以吸引5萬隻小蜜蜂來到市區授粉,這對環境具有很重大的正面影響。
After a ban was overturned in 2010, more than 100 people have hives in parks, above restaurants and at work in New York .
“It is a special way to connect with nature,” says 27-year-old lawyer Vivian Wang, who keeps hives 12 storeys above mid-town Manhattan .
今年27歲的律師Vivian Wang表示:「這是嶄新的、很特別的方式,讓我們再次重回大自然懷抱。」她本人也在曼哈頓中城的十二樓,放置蜂箱養蜂。
In Melbourne , Australia , the city beekeepers’ association is full to capacity with 160 members and has had to turn away potential new recruits.
Last year, North London Beekeepers Association had to do the same when membership topped 170.
And Berlin ‘s House of Representatives, cathedral and the planetarium are hosting hives as part of an initiative inspired by Parisian Jean Paucto, who has kept bees on the roof of the Paris Opéra for almost 20 years.
此外,德國柏林眾議院、教堂,及天文館,因受到在巴黎歌劇院屋頂上養蜂超過二十年的Parisian Jean Paucto啟發,倡導式地也放置了許多蜂箱。
Paucto also inspired Ian Wallace, who has five hives on the roof of Fenwick department store in the UK ‘s most bee-friendly city.
“I’d heard about similar schemes in London and Paris and decided if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for Newcastle .”
Paucto也鼓舞了Ian Wallace,他在整個英國對蜜蜂最友善的城市Newcastle裡,在Fenwick 百貨公司大樓樓頂,放置了5個蜂箱。
Ian Wallace表示:「我已經耳聞了倫敦及巴黎,這樣的新趨勢的養蜂模式,我目前也在觀察這樣嶄新的養蜂風潮是不是在Newcastle這個城市裡,能發揮它的優點。」
- 記者:Alison Benjamin,英國倫敦報導
- 日期:7 August 2011
- 出處:Guardian News
- 參考網址:http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/aug/07/urban-beekeeping
- 翻譯:蜜蜂故事館
- 蜜蜂故事館摘要:最近漸趨都式化的養蜂新模式,此篇除提到英國倫敦外,並提到了德國的巴黎及柏林,顯示出此一新興養蜂趨勢,已跨越國界,值得注意。